ACSMA Scholarship

Every year, ACSMA awards music scholarships to 3 auditioned musicians. One senior high student (10-12), one junior high student (7-9) and one senior student who plans to attend college with a major in music. Student's will be adjudicated by two judges (scores are averaged) for the 2022 school year. They must also submit an original essay outlining their involvement and how this scholarship would help them. Students are rated by rubric on the following criteria:

  • Solo score

  • A graded original essay on the role of music in your life and why a scholarship would help you.

Included must also be teacher recommendation forms, student form and a current copy of the teachers NYSSMA membership card.

Questions: email-

Scholarship Checklist

Scholarship Checklist

Student Form

2021 student form

Performance Rubric

acsma scholarship performance assessment rubric.pdf

Essay Rubric

acsma scholarship essay scoring rubric.pdf

Teacher Recommendation Form

2021 teacher form

Private Teacher Form (if needed)

2021 private teacher form

*Don't forget a copy of your NYSSMA membership card!